<![CDATA[NUTRITION ANDREA - Blog & News]]>Thu, 13 Mar 2025 16:30:47 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Put Your Jack-o-Lantern to Good Use]]>Mon, 28 Oct 2024 20:26:48 GMThttp://nutritionandrea.com/blog--news/put-your-jack-o-lantern-to-good-use]]><![CDATA[Hope For Autoimmune Condition Suffers?]]>Thu, 29 Aug 2024 18:41:15 GMThttp://nutritionandrea.com/blog--news/hope-for-autoimmune-condition-suffersAutoimmune diseases, among the most common disorders of young adults, are known to be affected by genetic and environmental factors, including vitamin D deficiency and fatty acids. In an earlier study, researchers found that high levels of salt also contribute to the development of multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system. Specifically, they observed that high salt induces inflammation in a type of immune cell known as CD4 T cells, while also causing a loss of regulatory T cell function. This, they found, is mediated by a salt-sensitive kinase, or enzyme critical for cell signaling, known as SGK-1.

A protein involved in immune function [
PRDM1-S] induced increased expression of the salt-sensitive SGK-1 enzyme, leading to disruption of regulatory T cells, the researchers found. Moreover, they found similar overexpression of the protein involved in immune function, PRDM1-S, in other autoimmune diseases, suggesting that it may be a common feature of regulatory T cell dysfunction.

Scientists are now developing drugs that can target and decrease expression of the specific 
protein involved in immune function  in regulatory T cells.  ]]>
<![CDATA[Kombucha Breaks Down Fat Stores]]>Thu, 22 Aug 2024 00:07:26 GMThttp://nutritionandrea.com/blog--news/kombucha-breaks-down-fat-storesResearchers at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill [my alma mater] have found that kombuchas' microbes directly influence the proteins needed to break down fat.  This influence produced a cellular effect much like that of fasting.  There has been much info and research recently about the benefits of Intermittent Fasting.   But some people cannot participate in IF or not every day.  Kombucha is easy to obtain at grocery stores, convenience stores or large chains, and include in your daily routine.  
Kombucha has also been linked to positive blood sugar outcomes for those with type 2 diabetes, as well as showing great potential as an inflammation reducing antioxidant and antibacterial.   
Read more here.  
<![CDATA[Colored Light as Therapy? YES!]]>Mon, 12 Aug 2024 14:17:51 GMThttp://nutritionandrea.com/blog--news/colored-light-as-therapy-yesA surprising therapy is showing promise for chronic pain, vision loss, and muscle recovery, among other conditions.   Early human trials suggest it may help us heal in new ways as well.  This growing field goes by several names. Light therapy. Phototherapy. Photobiomodulation.It leverages known effects of light on human health — such as skin exposure to ultraviolet light producing vitamin D or blue light's power to regulate human body clocks — to take light as medicine in surprising new directions.   
Some areas of research - 
Red Light Could Restore Vision; Green Light for Pain Relief; Helping Muscles Recover With Red Light.
Read more here - https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/phototherapy-how-light-helping-patients-heal-new-ways-2024a1000epe?ecd=WNL_mdpls_240809_mscpedit_wir_etid6734576&uac=462671FR&spon=17&impID=6734576

<![CDATA[Naturally Reduce Wrinkles with Food]]>Mon, 08 Jul 2024 18:34:42 GMThttp://nutritionandrea.com/blog--news/naturally-reduce-wrinkles-with-food
Once upon a time, worry about wrinkles was a concern of 'older' women.  Nowadays, people often begin Botox-type injections in their 20 or 30's.  
Recent nutrition studies have shown that eating foods rich in nutrients that support skin health–including antioxidants, vitamins, and microminerals–can improve skin structure and moisture, and protect against sun damage. As we age, a healthy diet can also naturally lessen the production and severity of wrinkles.

Healthy diets may contribute to wrinkle reduction due to several factors, including the presence of antioxidants, the anti-inflammatory properties of healthy foods, and higher concentrations of nutrients that protect against sun damage and improve collagen production. 

Studies show that healthy diets are associated with less facial wrinkles:
Diets with high fruit intake are associated with fewer wrinkles.
Yellow vegetables and soy can be particularly protective against wrinkles.
High intake of vegetables, beans, and olive oil can be protective against instances of pre-cancerous sun damage, while high intake of meat and dairy products produces adverse effects.
Daily almond consumption may reduce wrinkle severity.

As one would expect, diets comprised predominantly of meat and junk foods are associated with more wrinkles.
<![CDATA[Artificial Sweetener Linked to Heart Attack, Stroke]]>Mon, 08 Jul 2024 18:19:36 GMThttp://nutritionandrea.com/blog--news/artificial-sweetener-linked-to-heart-attack-strokeHigher amounts of the artificial sweetener xylitol might raise the risk of heart attack and stroke, a new study warns.
Xylitol is a zero-calorie sugar alcohol commonly used in many products, including sugar-free candy, chewing gum, baked goods and toothpastes, researchers said.
But high blood levels of the sweetener is associated with an increased risk of suffering a heart attack, stroke or other heart event within three years, according to analysis of more than 3,000 patients in the United States and Europe, researchers reported June 6 in the European Heart Journal.

In the lab, the investigators discovered that xylitol causes platelets to clot, increasing the risk of blood clots.  Every measure of a person’s clotting ability increased immediately after a test subject downed a xylitol-sweetened drink, but not after they sipped a sugar-sweetened product.
from https://www.healthday.com/health-news/nutrition/artificial-sweetener-xylitol-linked-to-heart-attack-stroke

<![CDATA[Can Your Gut Microbes Can Break Down Gut Fat!]]>Tue, 14 May 2024 21:39:18 GMThttp://nutritionandrea.com/blog--news/your-gut-microbes-can-break-down-gut-fatKombucha tea may be able to deliver the benefits of fasting, without the hardest part – the fasting itself.  
Researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have discovered how 
kombucha's microbes directly influence intestinal gene expression, particularly in those linked to fat metabolism. The introduced flora boosted the proteins needed to break down fat.   
Please follow this link to read the full article.  
<![CDATA[GLP-1, the Darling of Weight Loss]]>Mon, 06 May 2024 19:59:59 GMThttp://nutritionandrea.com/blog--news/glp-1-the-darling-of-weight-lossGLP-1 [Glucagon-like peptide 1 is a hormone that’s redefining effective weight management strategies.  While created for diabetics, the use for weight loss by non-diabetics continues to increase.  Many of my clients have lost weight but worry about what will happen once the stop taking the expensive drug - due to expense, availability or doctors not renewing the prescription.  
You might not know that GLP-1 is produced by the body naturally.  
GLP- 1 is a hormone produced in the gut and released in response to food. It causes reduced appetite, increases the feeling of fullness, and the release of insulin. Research is also looking into connections with Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's Disease, chronic pain, PCOS and heart disease.  There are several natural products that can help increase its production and secretion. 
Berberine, probiotics, psyllium, curcumin and ginseng are those with the most research and impact.  Certain dietary and lifestyle approaches can also encourage increased production of GLP-1.  
Check out this article for more information.  https://fullscript.com/blog/glp-1-supplements
To order the supplements this article recommends, please follow this link to create your account.   https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/agroon/store-start     

<![CDATA[EPA Limits PFAS -]]>Thu, 11 Apr 2024 16:47:11 GMThttp://nutritionandrea.com/blog--news/epa-limits-pfasAn EPA ruling [2024] is requiring public water utilities to remove six common "forever chemicals" from the water supply within five [5] years. The mandate is the first nationwide regulation of the ubiquitous substances found in dental floss, athletic clothing, food wrappers, and more.

PFAS, or perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are a group of thousands of heat-resistant and oil- and water-repellent synthetic chemicals first developed in the early 20th century.

PFAS are linked to health risks, including cancer, hormone disruption [PCOS, miscarriage, difficulty conceiving, etc], and weakened immune systems. Researchers believe almost every American is likely to have some PFAS buildup in their body.

I believe that five [5] years is too long to continue to ingest these chemicals that have so many health implications.  Do you have children ingesting theses chemicals, planning on a healthy pregnancy outcome, want to avoid increasing your cancer risk or stop getting sick so often?   What can you do TODAY to begin limiting your exposure?   This article below [cleanwater.org] gives 10 ways to begin to limit them now.  They are not complicated actions - make you own popcorn change your dental floss, read labels.  See more ways here and learn more, educate yourself!  

Make up, fragrances, oral care, etc  - https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/
Personal Care Products [cleaning products, baby products, diapers, mattresses, - https://www.ewg.org/ewgverified/
sources -1440, EWG, clean water
<![CDATA[Bod Pod - A Fun to Say Name for a Really Cool Machine]]>Tue, 27 Feb 2024 22:26:37 GMThttp://nutritionandrea.com/blog--news/bod-pod-a-fun-to-say-name-for-a-really-cool-machineEver wonder if your workouts are helping you reach your goal - of more muscle, less fat, best nutrition plan - or how you measure up against others your age?   The Bod Pod can help answer these questions. 

This body composition test will generate a breakdown of fat mass vs. fat-free mass, total body fat percentage, comparison with healthy ranges, and population data.  Over time, with additional Bod Pod tests, you can track the effectiveness of your current regimen - exercise and nutrition.   

If you live in the Raleigh area, you can make an appointment to be tested at Meredith University.  There are other location most likely, but I am familiar with this one. 

They also offer RMR [resting Metabolic Rate] and Max VO2 testing.  

Check it out and share the info with me, another healthcare provider or personal trainer.  